Mockeln 6,9-650-550-79 vibrating screen - MOC-SCR-427152
Reference: MOC-SCR-427152
Screeners, OTHER EQUIPMENT, Möckeln 6,9-650-550-79
?? Informationen auf Deutsch:
Verwendungszweck: Bergbau
?? Information på dansk:
Anvendelsesområde: Minedrift
?? Information in English:
Field of application: Mining
End of auction: 2024-03-14
Auction item.
Screener was in working condition. Not used for few years. Condition unknown.
Screener can sort material to four fractions. Without transporters.
With Meccalte ECO 32-3S/4 generator and 46 kW Deutz diesel engine.
Sold as seen in pictures and video.
?? Información en español:
Ámbito de aplicación: Minería
?? Informations en Français:
Domaine d'application: Exploitation minière
?? Informatie in het Nederlands:
Toepassingsgebied: Mijnbouw
?? Informacje po polsku:
Obszar zastosowania: Górnictwo
?? Informações em Português:
Campo de aplicação: Mineração
?? Информация на русском языке:
Область применения: Горное производство
Verwendungszweck: Bergbau
?? Information på dansk:
Anvendelsesområde: Minedrift
?? Information in English:
Field of application: Mining
End of auction: 2024-03-14
Auction item.
Screener was in working condition. Not used for few years. Condition unknown.
Screener can sort material to four fractions. Without transporters.
With Meccalte ECO 32-3S/4 generator and 46 kW Deutz diesel engine.
Sold as seen in pictures and video.
?? Información en español:
Ámbito de aplicación: Minería
?? Informations en Français:
Domaine d'application: Exploitation minière
?? Informatie in het Nederlands:
Toepassingsgebied: Mijnbouw
?? Informacje po polsku:
Obszar zastosowania: Górnictwo
?? Informações em Português:
Campo de aplicação: Mineração
?? Информация на русском языке:
Область применения: Горное производство
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Horsepower (HP)